Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Lies, T.M.Logan - Book Review

Wow this book was amazing.  A real page turner.  A must read.

If you start reading this book make sure you have plenty of time available,  you will not want to put this book down.  I know I didn't.

About The Book

Joe is a happily married man with a son, William then one day he makes a decision to follow his wife this decision leads him into a downward spiral of destruction.

Life will never be the same again for Joe.


How do we know if someone lying?   Well we don't really at the end of the day, we don't really want to know if someone we love is lying to us. Once we know someone is lying would that relationship ever be the same again?  Probably not.

This book is available to purchase from Amazon at the price of £5.75